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Saturday, August 06, 2005

The 2005 Downie Voting Rights Act

In an exclusive report, we at Joobo can report on the draft of the Downtrodden Party's Voting Rights Act of 2005, destined to be introduced in the US House very soon.

The Voting Rights Act of 2005: Draft Legislation

Article 1: Democrats demand that each Democratic candidate for President get 25 electoral votes before any votes are held.

Article 2: In states where a Republican candidate for President wins by 10% of the vote or less, these votes will be thrown out.

Article 3: Congressional candidates whose registration is Democrat will be allowed to contest any election in which they have lost, and a recount will be held until the Democrat wins.

Article 4: States must allow Democrats to spend as much as they wish on their campaigns, regardless of the level of office, while at the same time restricting to $5 the amount Republicans are allowed to spend.

Article 5: Television networks are prohibited from airing any commercial, program, or convention footage showing Republican candidates for any office.

Article 6: Television networks are prohibited from airing any commercial, program, or convention footage of President Bush if he is speaking on behalf of any Republican candidate for any office. In fact, President Bush should not be shown at all, until January 21, 2009.

Article 7: This legislation provides a fund of $1 billion to fund the candidates of the Democratic party nationwide, in addition to any funds unions or liberal interest groups can raise and spend, with no limit on the use of these funds.

Now imagine what would happen if this were really true - and Downies still lost.

Ever hear of Mount St. Helens? That would be a poof compared to the volcano of liberal angst.

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