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Friday, July 22, 2005

Muslim Thugs Tell England: Change Your Foreign Policy or There Will Be More Attacks

The Muslims in Britain are conspiring to blow up innocent people, and there are numerous arrests as they shuffle around like the cockroaches that they are. But do Muslim leaders express sorrow for these acts of terror? Are they working to stop further attacks? No! They are warning England to change their ways or there will be more attacks:

Change foreign policy - top Muslims

Senior Muslims have warned the Government that it needed to revise British foreign policy if it wants to put an end to the violence.

Dr Azzam Tamimi, from the Muslim Association of Britain, said the country was in real danger and that this would continue so long as British forces remained in Iraq.

He described the July 7 bombings and the attempted attacks in London on Thursday as "horrifying" but said it was not enough to simply unite in condemnation of the bombers.

If Tony Blair had any balls he would have these maggots arrested and immediately deported from Britain to some scumbag Islamic country which is still locked firmly in the 9th century. But Blair continues to adhere to the "Islam is a religion of peace" bullshit, and he will resist doing anything.

So much the shame. And because of that stand, these pieces of Muslim crap will feel emboldened to commit yet more acts of terror.

When we will all wake up to this danger? When it is too late?

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