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Friday, July 22, 2005

LA Times: Bush's Exercise Regimen is "Creepy"

We are in a war. President Bush is working his ass off to get the economy working for every American. And he is trying to outwit vicious Downies on Capitol Hill who don't give a whit about the American people. He is working for us.

And what do liberals discuss? Bush's exercise regimen...and the pro-terror lowlifes at the LA Times find it, well, "creepy."

The (over)exercise of power

A week ago, when President Bush met with Judge J. Harvie Wilkinson III to interview him for a potential Supreme Court nomination, the conversation turned to exercise. When asked by the president of the United States how often he exercised, Wilkinson impressively responded that he runs 3 1/2 miles a day. Bush urged him to adopt more cross-training. "He warned me of impending doom," Wilkinson told the New York Times.

Am I the only person who finds this disturbing? I don't mean the fact that Bush would vet his selection for the highest court in the land in part on something utterly trivial. That's expected. What I mean is the fact that Bush has an obsession with exercise that borders on the creepy.

Here's a note to Mr. Chait: No one asked you to worry about how the President exercises. He runs, he jogs, he uses a bike. I do not remember how many of your leftist ilk were concerned when the previous President got HIS exercise by getting his dick sucked by interns and by abusing women in his employe, then lying about it to federal grand juries.

Mind your fucking business, you asshole.

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