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Thursday, July 14, 2005

Karl Rove-a-Rama: Downies Sing the Same Old Tune of Negativism

Why, oh, why, do Downies have nothing positive to say, ever? Why, instead of holding worthless press conferences where they lay out a national strategy to, for instance, try to get thiss country's Social Security situation straightened out. or to help this nation attain energy independence, do they waste their time on trying to bring down Karl Rove? Why, instead, do Downies spend their days and nights thinking up new ways to make themselves more arrogant and more annoying than usual?

In the wake of the Karl Rove brouhaha, Downies have decided that they can use the kerfluffle in a whole new and incredibly exciting way to make the lives of people more miserable. John Kerry, rich liberal fucker that he is, out to tax the shit out of everyone who hasn't stolen as much moolah as he has, holds a press conference, where he angrily demands that Karl Rove resign. (And then he writes us a lovely letter asking same - more on that later.) Howard "Aaarrrgghhh!" Dean says Rove should resign. Hillary Clinton says Karl Rove should resign. And where is the ass-kissing liberal media? They are paying attention to these three idjits, asking them, "Yeah! You DO think Rove should resign, don't you? What courage!"

The Downies have no shame - they never have - but being in the Incredibly Shrinking Minority and being worthless slugs have only added to their shamelessness. That they oppose Karl Rove, who helped to beat them like a drum since 2000, is not surprising. That the media has their tongues up Downie ass is also not much of a surprise. But to see the media throw its lot in with the powerless Downies in an attempt to bring down anyone, anything related to President Bush, is just one more piece of evidence that the leftwing media in this country is wholly out of control and needs to be reigned in.

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