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Thursday, July 28, 2005

Germany Still Does Not Get It

Germany under Adolf, er, Gerhard Schroeder, the soon-to-be retired dimwit Chancellor, has been an utter disaster when it comes to making sure the terrorist cells - connected to 9/11 - in his country are shut down and destroyed. Now a German court has sided with Islamic terrorists and thrown out any attempt to crack down on these pieces of crap:

High court throws out anti-terror wiretapping law

KARLSRUHE, GERMANY - In a setback for anti-terror investigators, Germany's high court Wednesday ruled that a state law giving authorities sweeping powers to tap phones is unconstitutional.

The Federal Constitutional Court said the law violates the Germany constitution's guarantees of freedom from official eavesdropping.

At issue was a 2003 law in the state of Lower Saxony enacted in the wake of the September 11 attacks. The attacks were plotted and carried out by Islamic terrorists based in Hamburg, adjacent to Lower Saxony.

The court, in rejecting the law, noted that the framers of Germany's post-war constitution specifically wanted to prevent a recurrence of Gestapo police-state surveillance.

The Germans are now on the side of the terrorists, not on the side of those fighting terror. The US government needs to crack down on Germany, and make it harder for any cooperation to occur until their attitude changes.

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