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Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Docs Show That the BBC Won't Use the Term `Terrorists'

If you are a regular Joobo reader, you know that the BBC, the British Broadcasting Corporation, is one of the three pillars of journalistic evil, along with CNN and al-Jazeera. These "networks" use the airwaves to sing the song of the Islamic terrorist at the same time they criticize the US, President George W. Bush, and Israel. If something bad about any of these can be aired, they do it.

Now comes word that documents released to the British newspaper The Daily Telegraph show that BBC reporters have been ordered to avoid calling those who bombed London last week "terrorists."

BBC edits out the word terrorist

The BBC has re-edited some of its coverage of the London Underground and bus bombings to avoid labelling the perpetrators as "terrorists", it was disclosed yesterday.

Early reporting of the attacks on the BBC's website spoke of terrorists but the same coverage was changed to describe the attackers simply as "bombers".

The BBC's guidelines state that its credibility is undermined by the "careless use of words which carry emotional or value judgments".

Consequently, "the word 'terrorist' itself can be a barrier rather than an aid to understanding" and its use should be "avoided", the guidelines say.

Rod Liddle, a former editor of the Today programme, has accused the BBC of "institutionalised political correctness" in its coverage of British Muslims.

A BBC spokesman said last night: "The word terrorist is not banned from the BBC."

We have noted that BBC thuggee John Simpson has said that the bombers are just "poor misguided people." This is why the BBC presents a daily drumbeat against the war in Iraq and the holding of terrorists at Guantanamo Bay.

To the BBC and other leftist scum, these murderers are not terrorists, and damn anyone who says so. And just ignore those 50 or so dead bodies lying in buses and trains from the good works of these "poor misguided people."

This kind of thinking is sickening. Simply sickening.

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