Monday, July 11, 2005
Liberals have a problem: they believe (in their heart of hearts) that the murderers of 9/11, Madrid, Beirut, Tel Aviv (actually, they support those who attack Israel, so scratch that), and now London are not terrorists, not Islamic thugs, not murderers. No! They believe that they are just poor misguided people who, with a little talking to, would come around and be peaceful as...say, Mother Teresa.
Don't believe me? Check out Grand Master Asshole John Simpson of the BBC, who have started to let that "the London bombers are NOT terrorists, damn it!" feeling get into their coverage:
London bombs need calm response
Now that the bombs have exploded, and thousands of newspaper pages and entire days of air time have been devoted to the horror of it all, and to the poor, decent people who are dead and missing, and to the misguided criminals responsible, perhaps we can stand back from it all and catch our breath.
Whew - and here I thought we should go out and kill these Islamic vermin.
So, what does Simpson recommend?
Countering political violence isn't easy. It takes rigid self-discipline on the part of government and people. And it takes a degree of proportion and self-awareness too. Thursday was a terrible day for London; yet we mustn't forget that much the same number of people died that day in Iraq, and no one dedicated acres of newsprint to them.
We must hunt the bombers down, because they have committed a vicious crime against society. But we mustn't throw away the calm and self-possession which every decent society needs. It's not weakness; it's our greatest strength.
Here's what I say we should do: Someone should tie a rope around Mr. Simpson, leave him somewhere in a public place in London, and everyone who wishes can come up and throw rocks at him until he is a bloody mass.
And then they should piss on his dead corpse.
Now THAT is what should be done to those liberals who advocate making "nice" with terrorists.