Joobo stands for reason, morality, and honesty...and against leftist perversion and dishonesty. Join us as we expose the left for its hatred of everything that is good and its support of everything that is evil.

Monday, July 25, 2005

Anti-Semitic Leftists at "Wikipedia" Delete Joobo, Accept DailyKos

The "online encyclopedia" called Wikipedia has made sure that anti-Semitic and Marxist thugsite DailyKos is profiled on their site - and when I tried to make it sound more fair, I was banned from doing any editing for 24 hours. So, I figured, if you can't beat them, at least try to out argument them...and started a page called "Joobo the King of Wisdom" to highlight the thoughts of this site. So what did "Wikipedia" do? They slated our site for deletion.

Joobo the King of Wisdom

This article is being considered for deletion in accordance with Wikipedia's deletion policy.

How interesting. Was "DailyKos" considered for deletion? Not at all - the Marxist anti-Semites at Wikipedia made sure that any changes to that site were changed back to make it look like DailyKos is a fair site for all kind people to read.

This is the problem with the liberals - they desire free speech, but only for them.

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