Saturday, July 30, 2005
Another Muslim piece of crap has what to say about the attacks in London: for instance, the terrorists were "innocent victims"; and, for good measure, al-Qaeda does not exist.
Really? What was that little thing called 9/11 about again?
But take notice as to the headline of this story...not "Muslim Denies al-Qaeda Existence" or "Muslim Says Terrorists Are Innocent Victims," but:
Leading cleric rails at injustice of 'Muslim bashing'
The most senior Islamic cleric in Birmingham claimed yesterday that Muslims were being unjustly blamed in the war on terrorism [Perhaps we should blame Swedish senior citizens? - Ed.] and that the eight suspects in the two bombing attacks on London "could have been innocent passengers".
Mohammad Naseem, the chairman of the city's central mosque, called Tony Blair a "liar" and "unreliable witness" and questioned whether CCTV footage issued of the suspected bombers was of the perpetrators.
He said that Muslims "all over the world have never heard of an organisation called al-Qa'eda".
Mr Naseem, who was speaking after police seized Yasin Hassan Omar in Birmingham, delivered his unprompted outburst when he was invited to a press conference with West Midlands police and Birmingham city council to help calm fears of racial or religious tension after the arrest.
It was held near the police cordon in Heybarnes Road, where Omar was arrested.
His comments shocked senior police officers.
At some point, the question must be asked: when will we as a society - American, British, whichever - put our feet down and get rid of this cancer in our midst? And not just the cancer of Muslims, but the continuing cancer of a media which allows this shit to be covered up.