Sunday, July 24, 2005
The AFL-CIO has been on the cutting edge of destroying America's ability to compete in the world; it is one of the reasons most of our industries have moved to Mexico or China - to escape union bloodsuckers who have ravaged America. The President of the union, John Sweeney, is a pedantic old fart under whom union membership has continued its historic (and welcome) plunge. Now some of the member unions see Sweeney as the problem, and are ready to break up the AFL-CIO to get what they want.
Happy days are here again!
Largest Union Decides to Bolt AFL-CIO
The AFL-CIO succumbed to division Sunday, with its largest union deciding to bolt the 50-year-old federation and three others poised to do so in a dispute over how to reverse organized labor's long slide.
The four unions, representing nearly one-third of the AFL-CIO's 13 million members, announced Sunday they would boycott the federation's convention that begins Monday. They are part of the Coalition to Win, a group of seven unions vowing to reform the labor movement - outside the AFL-CIO if necessary.
The Service Employees International Union, with 1.8 million members, plans to announce Monday that it is leaving the AFL-CIO, said several labor officials who spoke on condition of anonymity because they are not authorized to discuss the developments.
The Teamsters union also was on the verge of disaffiliating, and would likely to be the first to follow SEIU's lead, the officials said. Two other boycotting unions were likely to leave the federation: United Food and Commercial Workers and UNITE HERE, a group of textile and hotel workers.
Breaking up the unions harms the Downtrodden Party as well, as they depend on union dues stolen from workers to fund Downie campaigns nationwide.
So for America, this is a win; for the Republicans, this is a win; for the American worker, so long under the thumb of the Marxist-led unions, this is a day of liberation long coming. Cheers!