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Friday, June 03, 2005

UN: Nonexistent WMD now "Missing" From Iraq

Since 2003, Downies and their leftist allies have insisted - insisted! - that there were no WMD in Iraq before the war started in 2003 (more evidence that the left believes that Saddam was right and Bush was wrong), and that "Bush lied" to get the US into a war. Despite the CIA and other international intelligence agencies believing that WMD existed, they have not been found.

Until now, it appears:

U.N.: Weapons Equipment Missing in Iraq

UNITED NATIONS - U.N. satellite imagery experts have determined that material that could be used to make biological or chemical weapons and banned long-range missiles has been removed from 109 sites in Iraq, U.N. weapons inspectors said in a report obtained Thursday.

U.N. inspectors have been blocked from returning to Iraq since the U.S.-led war in 2003 so they have been using satellite photos to see what happened to the sites that were subject to U.N. monitoring because their equipment had both civilian and military uses.

In the report to the U.N. Security Council, acting chief weapons inspector Demetrius Perricos said he's reached no conclusions about who removed the items or where they went. He said it could have been moved elsewhere in Iraq, sold as scrap, melted down or purchased.

Now, here's my question: if there were no WMD, and no ability to make them, how can materials which can make WMD be "missing"?

Can anyone explain how the left gets away with claiming that "Bush lied about WMD" while at the same time insisting that "Bush bungled the war and allowed WMD to go missing"? Isn't that called "nonsense"?

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