Saturday, June 11, 2005
According to the MSM, Downies are just about ready now, three+ years before the next presidential election, to nominate Hillary Clinton as their nominee - and that there is little in the way of opposition to her candidacy. In fact, her nomination is seen as "inevitable," and that any other candidates who deign to bother entering the race are just delusional in opposing the mighty Clintonian machine.
But Robert Novak went out on the hustings, and finds that regular Downies - including many on the left - don't want Madame Reichsfuhrer:
No to Hillary
LOS ANGELES -- Back east, well-placed Democrats have agreed that the party's 2008 nomination is all wrapped up better than three years in advance. They say that the prize is Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton's for the asking, and that she is sure to ask. But here on the left coast, I found surprising and substantial Democratic opposition to going with the former first lady.
Both the Hollywood glitterati and the more mundane politicians of Los Angeles are looking elsewhere. They have seen plenty of Sen. Clinton over the past dozen years, and they don't particularly like what they've seen. Two far less well-known Democrats -- Virginia Gov. Mark Warner and Indiana Sen. Evan Bayh -- were hits on recent visits to California, mainly because they were not Hillary.
The concern here with Clinton is not borne in fear that she might fail to carry California. Almost any Democrat would be likely to win in the nation's most populous state, where the advent of Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger is an exotic event that has not changed the GOP's minority status in California. Rather, the fear here is pronounced that Clinton cannot win in Red America, guaranteeing a third straight Republican term in the White House.
Party insiders in Washington and New York, including many who ran the last two losing Democratic presidential campaigns, say they have never before seen anything like the way Clinton has sewed up the nomination. In particular, they say, she has cornered Eastern money in a way nobody else ever has done at such an early date.
Novak interviewed Downies who think Hillary would be a disaster for the party, and would make a third Republican presidency a reality.
Well, we say, "Oh, Hillary...when are you going to announce your presidential campaign again?"