Thursday, June 02, 2005
New to the Round-Up this week, we find that Downies are dying more and more by the week, as their silly party tries to keep the SS Titanic, also known as the Downtrodden National Committee, afloat. What makes us believe that the Downies are dying? Well, let's ask the American people...a new poll shows that middle class voters, those making less than $30,000 a year, voted in 2004 not for Downies but for Republicans:
Loss of middle class a 'crisis' for Democrats
The Democratic Party, the self-proclaimed defender of the middle class, was trounced by Republicans among those voters in the 2004 election, according to a Democratic advocacy group that says the party faces "a crisis with the middle class."
A report released yesterday by Third Way says support for Republicans begins at much lower income levels than researchers had expected: Among white voters, President Bush got a majority of support beginning at an income threshold of $23,300 -- about $5,000 above the poverty level for a family of four.
Ouch - does THAT hurt. But why is this happening? Well, when you have a party whose mainstays frown on work and make sure those who do are taxed up the ass, at the same time bemoaning forcing people off welfare so they can give an honest day's work, you can lose a lot of support.
Hey - did I say "an honest day's work"? That's funny, because Howard Dean, who should be fitted for a straitjacket, told a group of fucking lunatics, er, liberal activists, that Republicans don't make an honest living:
Dean: GOP has 'dark, difficult and dishonest' vision
Dean's comment came as he recalled conditions at crowded Ohio polling stations last fall. He wondered who could expect voters to work all day and then stand in line for eight hours to vote. "Well, Republicans, I guess, can do that because a lot of them have never made an honest living in their lives," he said, drawing some surprised "oohs" from his audience.
Well, that's not, we went to a liberal site to get a transcript of Screaming Deanie's comments - and, would you just believe it! The liberals who posted the transcript seem to have left out Dean's offending phrase. How can that be? Aren't Downies proud of what their chairman said? Well, if you read the top of the speech, you will note:
The following is excerpted from Howard Dean's June 2 speech at the Take Back America 2005 conference in Washington, D.C. This transcript has been edited for clarity.
How interesting! They edited it for "clarity"! That means in liberalspeak, "We realize that Dean's comments did not go down well, but if we post the speech without those words perhaps people will believe that they weren't truly said." Sort of like Stalin's erasing Communist Party members from photos after they had been shot, or Big Brother from 1984 making sure the news reflected his reality and not true reality.
To sum up...The DNC now stands for "Donations Not Coming." But what is truly wrong with the Downies is that they are a bunch of bitter, sickening old leftists who hate America and all that it stands for - and as they continue allowing a small minority of leftist losers to run their party, their party will get smaller and smaller...and it will lead to more control by leftist losers, after which it will get smaller yet. It is the first true step in the downward spiral of a political party. Just look at what happened, for instance, to the Whig Party and the American (Nativist) Party. It is like history repeating itself.
Alas, for our final story, we find that disgusting anti-American slimebag and French douchebag Jackie Chirac is in what we like to call "total collapse," as his popularity continues to go down, down, down, along with his IQ:
Chirac Popularity Plunges to Record Low, Poll Shows
June 2 (Bloomberg) -- President Jacques Chirac's popularity plunged to a record low following the May 29 defeat of the European Union constitution in a national referendum, a TNS-Sofres poll showed.
Chirac's approval rating fell 8 points to 24 percent this month, according to a survey of 1,000 French people conducted from May 30-31 for Le Figaro Magazine. No margin of error was given. That's the lowest since TNS-Sofres started surveying voters in 1979 under President Valery Giscard d'Estaing.
Chirac suffered his third electoral defeat in 14 months when voters rejected the EU treaty. The failure of Chirac to tackle a jobless rate of 10.2 percent, the highest since December 1999 contributed to voters' rejection of the treaty.
Liberals in America like to say that President Bush's approval ratings are low - but his are more than 20 points ahead of Chirac. How many of the disgusting international left will point out Jackie's low ratings? Wanna bet that none will?