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Sunday, June 12, 2005

Palestinian Terrorists Admit Killing Other Palestinians - Accidentally

The Palestinians have a problem...well, they have many problems, one of which is that the Israelis beat their asses in war after war and now all the Pallies can do is blow themselves up to try to win back the land they lost. But that isn't working anymore, so they are being forced to deal peacefully with the mighty Israeli state. But the Pallies also have a problem when it comes to law and order - Palestinian-ruled areas are devoid of it, and when anyone is even suspected (usually with no proof whatsoever) of "collaborating" with the Israelis, they are grabbed by one of the myriad of Palestinian terrorist thugs who rule the Palestinian areas, are found guilty without any semblance of a trial (notice that the ACLU, Euro-peons, and Amnesty International all find nothing wrong with this), and are shot in the streets, usually to cheering crowds. In 2002, 9 such Palestinians were murdered in this fashion - and now the terrorists who murdered them admit that, well, they goofed...the 9 were innocent:

Fatah admits murdered Bethlehem 'collaborators' were innocent

Fatah gunmen admitted over the weekend that nine Palestinians who were murdered in Bethlehem on suspicion of collaboration with Israel were actually innocent victims of lawlessness.

The suspected "collaborators" were executed by members of Fatah's armed wing, Aksa Martyrs Brigades, shortly before the IDF raided Bethlehem in 2002 as part of Operation Defensive Shield.

Some of the suspects were being held by the Palestinian Authority security forces before they were handed over to the gunmen.

"Fatah" is the "political" party of former and now dead Pallie leader Yassir "Yessir" Arafat.

Every day, Muslims and their terrorist buddies around the world decry the Israelis killing other terrorists - and the Palestinians' allies throw every invective at Israel for defending itself. So where is the outrage that the terrorists killed 9 innocent Palestinians? Wanna bet that none is forthcoming?

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