Monday, June 06, 2005
Downies must, right about now, be firmly regretting voting to put escaped mental patient Howard Deranged Dean as chairman of the Downtrodden National Committee. Does he raise money? No. Does he piss people off? Is he recruiting new voters to his cause? Actually, he may ticking off the mainstream of his party that he desperately needs to win anything.
So what does Dean do? Open his mouth some more, and let slip disgusting crap from it:
Edwards Undecided About Running in 2008
On Saturday, Dean continued his barrage on conservatives while visiting Montana, lambasting the Bush administration for its fiscal irresponsibility and war on terror.
He said President Bush needs to get tough on real threats to national security, nations like North Korea and Iran that claim to have nuclear weapons, rather than nations like Iraq, where no weapons of mass destruction were ever found.
"I would make the argument that America is safer when Democrats are in the White House, than when Republicans are in the White House," Dean said in a speech to Democratic supporters.
Notice how the WaPo slipped this into a story on John Downwards, 2004 Downie VP candidate.
But Dean is wrong about one thing: this country is quite safe when Republicans are in control. It is when Downies ever win, ever control any body, that Americans are in mortal danger, financially and physically.