Saturday, June 18, 2005
You would think that after liberals tried but failed last year to invent documents showing that President Bush had allegedly gone AWOL, they would stay away from those who post documents that are not originals, or are copied from originals - because we all know what can be done with fakes.
So, with the liberals in a blather over the so-called "Downing Street Memos" allegedly showing that President Bush was prepared to go to war in Iraq in 2002 - not in 2003 - which they call "the smoking gun" and could somehow lead to Bush's impeachment (how liberals contemplate that a 2/3rds vote in the US Senate would occur where Downies have only 45 seats remains a mystery), we need to take a look at these "memos."
The story on Yahoo News reads like a "we got George Bush" horsecrappola, until the reader is hit with this small piece of info, somewhere way down in the depths of the article:
Memos Show British Concern Over Iraq Plans
The eight memos — all labeled "secret" or "confidential" — were first obtained by British reporter Michael Smith, who has written about them in The Daily Telegraph and The Sunday Times.
Smith told AP he protected the identity of the source he had obtained the documents from by typing copies of them on plain paper and destroying the originals.
Whoa! Smith "destroyed the originals"? And what did those originals say?
This looks like another "the documents are fake" story coming from the left. When they are not practicing lunacy, they are simply making it up.