Monday, June 13, 2005
Well, another black celebrity got away with being a criminal, and a jury of California imbeciles (remember - they voted for Gore and Kerry in overwhelming numbers) let them do it.
Here's the first word, and the last word, you will hear from Joobo on the Michael Jackson case:
1) We know he did it. The jury system in California is pathetic.
2) Never allow women on a jury. They are too emotional - both the O.J. Simpson jury and the Michael Jackson jury were majority female.
3) If ever another boy comes out of Michael Jackson's perverted closet and complains that he was molested after this verdict, the parents should be arrested and sent to Guantanamo Bay. Because they are all on fair warning: this man Michael Jackson is a pervert, and juries are either too dumb or too afraid to stop him.
4) The American jury system is broken beyond help.
5) If a black defendant who gets a jury without blacks ever again says that he cannot get justice, they should shoot him on the spot. Two black criminals - one a double murderer, the other a repeat child molestor - were freed by majority or all-white juries.
6) Liberals should be excluded from juries when possible. They bring their lack of knowledge and their love of criminality to the jury box, and use this extreme power to thwart justice.
That's it. I will not speak of this subject ever again - or until Michael Jackson rapes another little boy, or O.J. Simpson kills someone else.