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Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Is Sheets Tyrd in Trouble? Can the Ku Kluxer be Finished?

Regulars to Joobo know that Senator Sheets Tyrd (D-WV), a former Ku Klux Klan member who uses the n-word regularly and has of late cozied up to the mafia, is a disgusting figure who should retire as soon as possible. Now it looks like the voters of West Virginia may be ready to retire the old fart once and for all:

Byrd, Capito race too close to call

A new poll shows Sen. Robert Byrd and Rep. Shelley Moore Capito would run neck and neck in a possible campaign for the Senate seat now held by Byrd.

An RMS Strategies Poll released today reports that 46 percent of 401 registered voters in West Virginia would vote for Byrd if the election were held now.

A total of 43 percent picked Capito, R-W.Va., though she has not announced her intention to run.

A race between an 80+ year old fart and a young, vibrant woman will result in one thing: another pick-up for Republicans. Oh, what a joyous day that would be seeing Tyrd go down to defeat!

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