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Sunday, June 05, 2005

Is the ACLU Shredding Documents Implicating the Group in Crimes?

The New York Times, of all papers, sics the dog on the ACLU, one of the most dangerous organizations in the United States today - the defender of killers, child molesters, terrorists, and other criminals, and hater of religion, morals, good government, and the Boy Scouts. Now it appears that this criminal group of leftist thugs is shredding documents - but what do these documents reveal? Is the ACLU committing crimes? What are they hiding?

Concerns Arise at A.C.L.U. Over Document Shredding

The American Civil Liberties Union has been shredding some documents over the repeated objections of its records manager and in conflict with its longstanding policies on the preservation and disposal of records.

The matter has fueled a dispute at the organization over internal operations, one of several such debates over the last couple of years, and has reignited questions over whether the A.C.L.U.'s own practices are as clear as its public positions.

The organization has generally advocated for strong policies on record retention and benefited from them, most recently obtaining and publicizing documents from the government about prisoners at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba.

Imagine if some group or company that the ACLU was hounding was found to be shredding some documents - the ACLU thugs-in-power would hold a press conference and call for a criminal investigation. So how about it, state Attorneys General, US Justice Department, law enforcement about investigating the ACLU and what they are shredding?

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