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Monday, June 06, 2005

Downie Lawmaker in Ethical Trouble...Accompanied by Silence by Downies

A few weeks ago, Downtrodden National Committee chairman Howard Dean said that House Majority Leader Tom DeLay should "just go back to Texas and serve his jail term," despite the fact that DeLay has not even been indicted for any crime, much less convicted.

So, now we discover that the former Speaker of the Massachusetts State House of Representatives has been indicted for lying under oath in a probe of redistricting in his state. And where is Howard Dean to say that this man should just go straight to jail? Well, this could be because the person indicted is a Democrat.

Imagine if a leading Republican, or even the chairman of the party, said that Thomas Finneran, the former Speaker, should just go to jail. Downies and their leftist allies would demand this person's resignation, saying they were denying Finneran a fair trial.

But why can the left do it with impugnity?

Former Massachusetts House Speaker Charged in Redistricting Probe

BOSTON (AP) - Former Massachusetts House Speaker Thomas Finneran was indicted Monday on charges of lying under oath about his role in the redrawing of the state's legislative districts.
Finnerman was charged with perjury and obstruction of justice and could be sent to prison and lose his license to practice law if convicted.

Finneran, who resigned last September to head the Massachusetts Biotechnology Council, was widely considered the state's most powerful politician during his eight years as speaker. He did not immediately return a call for comment.

Finneran does deserve a fair trial. But Downies would only have fair trials for other Downies - and a program of "lock them away" for others who don't follow their program of slash and burn and moral hypocrisy.

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