Thursday, June 02, 2005
When is a moron a total and complete moron? When he protests something and the thing he protests ends - and yet he keeps protesting.
Brian Haw, a British doofus, set up a camp across from Westminster, the British Parliament, in 2001 to protest sanctions against Iraq because they harmed Iraqis. And while Haw was correct that these sanctions harmed the Iraqi people and not Saddam Hussein's murdering regime, nonetheless they had to be kept until Saddam was taken out.
Fast forward to 2003...and now the US and the UK among other nations invade Iraq. Saddam's regime is overthrown, and the UN ultimately removes sanctions.
So how come Haw is still protesting? Could it be that he is not against sanctions against the Iraqi people, but because he is just another Saddam Hussein supporter?
Iraq protester clocks up four hellish years on Blair's doorstep
LONDON (AFP) - It's been exactly four years since Brian Haw set up his ramshackle peace camp in the little park across the street from the Houses of Parliament in London, and he says he's hated every single minute of it.
Each day, since June 2, 2001, the father of seven has gained what little sleep he could, with Big Ben as his alarm clock, surrounded by protest signs and horrific images of war.
Moved by the plight of children suffering under UN economic sanctions on Iraq, Haw swapped his family life for a few blankets and the constant buzz of traffic around Parliament Square.
Just a word on his support for Tony Blair, who removed Saddam, the cause of the sanctions:
Nearby Downing Street makes Prime Minister Tony Blair one of his nearest neighbours, but Haw is not expecting a visit from the man he despises for leading Britain into conflict in Iraq.
Ah, so. Haw is just another leftist imbecile who pines for Saddam, and was mad that the world punished Saddam. And now he is sad that he gave up four years of his worthless life to protest. Boo fucking hoo.