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Monday, June 27, 2005

Anti-American Canadian Scumbag Caught with Pro-bin Laden Materials

The left around the world seems to have two things in common: they hate America and Americans, and they have an affinity for supporting terrorism, especially if it is terrorism aimed against America and/or Israel.

So it comes as no surprise that another leftist lowlife – from Canada, no surprise – who is at the forefront to close the prison at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, was caught coming back into Canada with pro-bin Laden materials and songs on her computer – after she had had bin Laden at her wedding several years ago, no less:

RCMP allege clips of Bin Laden's voice on confiscated laptop

Toronto, ON-- Zaynab Khadr claims she didn’t know that terrorist Osama bin Laden would attend her wedding in Pakistan. Now the 25-year-old says she didn’t know clips of bin Laden’s voice calling for the killing of Americans were on the laptop computer seized by the RCMP at Pearson airport when she returned to Canada last February.

Alleged to be among Khadr’s RCMP-confiscated possessions are downloaded clips of bin Laden’s voice and songs–one entitled "I Am a Terrorist". On the laptop is also a video clip of a 2003 attack on a compound used by Westerners in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia and cassettes about insurgent attacks in Afghanistan. Canada, Khadr’s adopted country has troops stationed in Afghanistan.

When a chador-clad Khadr quietly slipped back into Toronto on February 17, 2005, she said she had returned to Canada to lobby for the rights of her two brothers, 18-year-old Omar, who is Canada’s only known detainee at Guatanamo Bay and her brother, Abdullah, whose whereabouts have been unknown since October, 2004.

Her father, the late Ahmed Said Khadr, officially identified as Canada’s highest-ranking member of Al Qaeda, was sprung from a Pakistani prison when former Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chretien successfully intervened on his behalf through then Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto.

With a longsuit for inflammatory, anti-American rhetoric, Zaybab Khadr told the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) in 2004 that Americans "deserve to feel a pain similar to what they inflict on others."

When mainstream Canadians complained, Chrétien’s successor Prime Minister Paul Martin reminded them that as a "Canadian citizen," Khadr had a right to her opinion.

Methinks we should send this bitch to join her “brothers” in Guantánamo Bay, and let her roast there. It would take one American-hating son of a bitch off the streets, and get rid of one more leftist bin Laden supporter.

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