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Friday, June 24, 2005

The Alpines are Melting because of Global Warming…Uh, they are Growing because of Global Warming…uh, never mind…

Global warming is a myth, propagated by dimwitted liberals who wish to (1) make the world feel bad about climate change, which is natural and occurs whether man is here or not, and (2) destroy the US, and by extension the Western, economies, and turn the world into one gigantic socialist shithole, or, to put it better, France.

Now comes a story from Germany, one of the leading shithole nations at the forefront of the “holy shit – the world is getting hotter! We are melting! Aaarrggg!” theory of why “global warming” is our ruination. It is a touching tale how global warming actually increased the size of the Alpine glaciers – a fact not lost even on the morons who penned this article:

A New Alpine Melt Theory

The Alpine glaciers are shrinking, that much we know. But new research suggests that in the time of the Roman Empire, they were smaller than today. And 7,000 years ago they probably weren't around at all. A group of climatologists have come up with a controversial new theory on how the Alps must have looked over the ages.

But check out this money quote from these scientists:

The glaciers, according to the new hypothesis, have shrunk down to almost nothing at least ten times since the last ice age 10,000 years ago. "At the time of the Roman Empire, for example, the glacier tongue was about 300 meters higher than today," says Joerin. Indeed, Hannibal probably never saw a single big chunk of ice when he was crossing the Alps with his army.

The most dramatic change in the landscape occurred some 7,000 years ago. At the time, the entire mountain range was practically glacier-free -- and probably not due to a lack of snow, but because the sun melted the ice. The timber line was higher then as well.

The scientists' conclusion puts the vanishing glaciers of the past 150 years into an entirely new context: "Over of the past 10,000 years, fifty percent of the time, the glaciers were smaller than today," Joerin states in an essay written together with his doctoral advisor Christian Schluechter. They call it the "Green Alps" theory.

Joerin admits his theory goes against conventional wisdom. "It is hard to imagine that the glaciers, as we know them, were not the norm in past millennia, but rather an exception," he says while he and his companions dig out the tree trunk with shovels, axes and bare hands.

Hmmm…could that be because global warming is truly a myth and is not real? Could it be because liberals have stupefied the world scientific community into believing this sickening pile of horseshit called “global warming”?

Wanna bet this story is filed away somewhere and completely forgotten?

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