Sunday, May 08, 2005
The United States has been lambasted for years because President Bush and the Bush administration says what is the absolute truth: global warming is a bullshit story, and the Kyoto Protocol is a fraud. Now we have an actual newspaper of Canadian origin saying...yikes!...the very same thing:
Kyoto Protocol--Propaganda or Censorship?
Last Thursday, I received a telephone call from Douglas Leahey, Ph.D., representing a group of Canadian scientists under the umbrella of "Friends of Science." It seems that they had been talking to Peter Worthington of the Toronto Sun, and he had mentioned to them that they should get in touch with me.
Dr. Leahey began by asking me how they could get a 27-minute documentary on television.
I have 15 years experience of fighting with federal and provincial slush funds for that very thing.
I asked some routine questions at first: Did they have a letter of licence? Had they rolled a camera before they got permission? Had they talked to the big broadcasters? Did they have a "pitch" and a budget?
Then I found out what their documentary was about. The story was incredible: it documented scientists--from Canada--speaking out against the $10-billion scam known as the Kyoto Protocol.
Yes, the very same Kyoto Accord that our government has committed Canada and Canadians to support.
I understood instinctively that getting two scientists to agree at what time the sun is coming up tomorrow is--at best--difficult.
But here were tens of thousands, from around the world, all agreeing on one issue: that there is no scientific evidence of man-made global warming.
The numbers of scientists staggered me--17,100 basic and applied American scientists, two thirds with advanced degrees, are against the Kyoto Agreement. The Heidelberg Appeal--which states that there is no scientific evidence for man-made global warming, has been signed by over 4,000 scientists from around the world since the petition’s inception. I strongly questioned these high numbers, since I’ve had benefit of the Canadian government’s public relations machine on this issue. Dr. Leahey has since sent documentation to back his figures up.
All those scientists were in total agreement: the Kyoto Protocol was complete fiction.
The "global warming" canard and the rush to force the US to adhere to the Kyoto Protocol is backed by leftwing and socialist organizations intent on making sure that the American economy stalls and then dies. President Bush is smart enough to see through the lies and the phony fairytales of the left. This is why any adherence to this silly issue should be avoided at all costs.