Thursday, May 26, 2005
If you think that this is a joke, you are rudely mistaken. Amnesty International, the far-far-far-far left organization of pro-North Korean and pro-Cuban socialist scum had the utter gall to say that the worst human rights offender in the world is the United States - not Cuba, not North Korea, not Iran, but the US. And why? Because the US refuses to listen to the lowlife international left and cave in to world terrorism. According to AI, if the US would only make nice with the mass murderers of 9/11 and the rest of the Islamic terror structure, things would work out just fine. Of course, the US would not exist any more (and by extension, Israel, which would suit the anti-Semitic left just fine), but as long as the terrorists are treated well, then AI is fine with it.
Amnesty International Takes Aim at U.S.
LONDON - Amnesty International branded the U.S. prison camp at Guantanamo Bay a human rights failure Wednesday, calling it "the gulag of our time" as it released a report that offers stinging criticism of the United States and its detention centers around the world.
The 308-page report accused the United States of shirking its responsibility to set the bar for human rights protections and said Washington has instead created a new lexicon for abuse and torture. Amnesty International called for the camp to be closed.
"Attempts to dilute the absolute ban on torture through new policies and quasi-management speak, such as 'environmental manipulation, stress positions and sensory manipulation,' was one of the most damaging assaults on global values," the annual report said.
Some 540 prisoners from about 40 countries are being held at the U.S. detention center in Cuba. More than 200 others have been released, though some have been jailed in their countries; many have been held for three years without charge.
"Guantanamo has become the gulag of our time," Amnesty Secretary General Irene Khan said.
Amnesty International is one of the most morally and intellectually bankrupt organizations in the world. Any group which says that it stands for the rights of terrorists is no group - they are terrorists themselves. And as terrorists, they should be treated as such.
President Bush or the Department of Justice should issue arrest warrants for any AI leader who steps foot on American soil as collaborators with terrorism. It is as simple as that.

Let me pose a hypothetical:
Imagine a world that had never allowed two Christians to get married. Christianity was considered unnatural and was only practiced in secret bath houses (temples) that regular folk avoided. If people discovered someone was a Christian, that person was ostracized or killed. The law stated that Christianity was a sin and that according to a completely arbitrary book written by some filthy old monks years ago, the higher being forbade Christianity altogether.
Gradually, however, people began to recognize that Christians WERE actually human beings and that just because they practiced something out of the norm of the majority, it didn't make them sub-human. Finally, most people believed that Christians should be able to participate in all of the leisures that the society had and that no rights/priviledges should be withheld. But wait! There was one sector of people that ademently opposed giving the same rights to Christians - the HOMOSEXUALS!
You get my point - what if the shoe was on the other foot?
I don't think anybody that enjoys a right - regardless of the historical consequences - should be able to say that the same right is not available to another.
Lest we all lose the right.
How quaint. Nothing to say, nothing to offer: the liberal program for moving backward.
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