Friday, May 27, 2005
The more you read about how Muslims conduct themselves, the more you understand why the war on terrorism is truly a war on Islam - and radical Islam IS Islam. So, for your entertainment, we cover more stories from the world of the Cult of Death:
Bomb kills at least 20 at Pakistan shrine
ISLAMABAD, Pakistan (AP) — An apparent suicide bomb detonated Friday as hundreds of Shiite Muslims recited verses from the Koran during a religious festival at a shrine near Pakistan's capital, killing at least 20 people and wounding dozens, witnesses said.
After the blast, hundreds of Shiite pilgrims, beating their chests in mourning, clashed with baton-wielding police, who charged the crowd to clear the way for ambulances. Some of the Shiite protesters chanted, "Down with America!"
There you go - Muslims blow up Muslims, and the stupid retards yell "Down with America!" Could these people get any dumber?
But, back to more hilarity. The story about the "flushed Koran" caused Muslims worldwide to riot (some story about Howdy Doody not being forced to convert to Islam would well have caused the same outrage), but Newsweak retracted the story with a hardy "Sorry our story was a lie! Thanks for not killing us!" But the rest of the MSM here in the US and around the world want to play CYA time and make sure the story is tagged with "maybe THAT story was false, but the story overall that the Koran was abused is true."
The Pentagon announces that it questioned one of the terrorist scum at Guantanamo Bay who alleged that someone flushed his Koran down a toilet. The "detainee" retracted his story, saying he had no proof that it happened. Well, this means the story is dead, right? Not to the liberal media! Check out how The Washington Post - owners, by the way, of Newsweak - report on the retraction of the story:
Pentagon Confirms Koran Incidents
Pentagon officials said yesterday that investigators have identified five incidents of military guards and an interrogator "mishandling" the Koran at the U.S. detention facility at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, but characterized the episodes as minor and said most occurred before specific rules on the treatment of Muslim holy items were issued.
OH MY GOD - They "mishandled" a book. But, how did they do this? Did they throw it down? Did they take a crap on a copy?
He said most of the 13 cases involved accidental or inadvertent touching of the Koran by guards and interrogators -- such as someone bumping into the holy book, or one case in which an interrogator stacked two Korans on a television set.
HOLY SHIT! They stacked two Korans! They bumped into one! What tragedy of tragedy could happen next to a book?
This is why no one with an IQ over 10 takes the American media seriously any more. This is a prime example.
The world seems flushed with them.
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