Monday, May 02, 2005
You have to say that when Joobo reports it, it becomes leading news - and may just start a trend. Just last week, we reported that school officials in Clovis, New Mexico, called the police on someone holding a suspicious item - which, unfortunately, turned out to be a large burrito. This fixation with Mexican food stories has now continued, because - please bear with us by not laughing - it has happened again, this time in Iowa, and this time, dear friends, with a chalupa:
Please, Drop the Chalupa
An Iowa man has been arrested for assault with an airborne chalupa, reports the Des Moines Register.
"I've never had anything quite like that before," police detective Darren Cornwell told the newspaper.
Nancy Harrison was working the drive-through window at a Des Moines Taco Bell Thursday evening when 24-year-old Christopher Lame pulled up and ordered food, Harrison told police.
Lame got and paid for his food, but a little while later walked into the restaurant to complain he hadn't gotten what he'd ordered.
Harrison asked him if he had his receipt.
"What the [bleep]," he replied, according to Harrison. "Do I have to bring my receipt, too?"
She said Lame went out to his car and came back with his bag of food.
"There's the [bleeping] tacos," he allegedly said.
Harrison replied that the restaurant was closing, and began to turn away, but not before an airborne chalupa hit her in the face.
This is intolerable. How long do we suffering Americans have to be forced to read stories about abuse and assaults due to some problem with Mexican cuisine?
Someone needs to do something about this, and fast. We should close Taco Bell, for openers. Their food sucks, anyway, so that would be no loss. We can figure out our next move as soon as we do that.