Joobo stands for reason, morality, and honesty...and against leftist perversion and dishonesty. Join us as we expose the left for its hatred of everything that is good and its support of everything that is evil.

Saturday, May 21, 2005

Joobo Writes to Pepsi - And Gets a Ton of Bullshit

As you readers of Joobo heard yesterday, I am helping to launch a nationwide boycott of all Pepsi products after their (read: disgusting) CFO, Indra Nooyi, used her middle finger to signify the United States. This is the letter I sent to Pepsi's board of directors:

To whom it may concern,

Indra Nooyi has disrespected the United States. We expect that kind of shit from people overseas, not people who run multi-billion dollar American companies.

I am a frequent user of products from Pepsi and its associated products, but from this moment I will boycott ALL of your company's products until Ms. Nooyi is fired or relieved of her duties from the company.

I am sending copies of this message to all my friends and family, and will ask that they, too, initiate a boycott of your company until Ms. Nooyi is fired.


Simon Lazarus,
Miami, Florida

Well, Pepsi must realize that the shit is hitting the fan, because within 24 hours (which for companies the size of Pepsi means lightspeed times 100,000) I received back the following horse manure-smelling message:

Dear Mr. Lazarus,

Thank you for contacting us about Indra Nooyi’s recent commencement speech at Columbia University, which has created a difficult situation.

Please know how sorry we are for disappointing you – and how much we appreciate your input. Feedback such as yours has been shared directly with Indra, and she clearly regrets this unfortunate episode. With that in mind, Indra has asked us to share this statement with you:

"Following my remarks to the graduating class of Columbia University's Business School in New York City, I have come to realize that my words and examples about America unintentionally depicted our country negatively and hurt people.

I appreciate the honest comments that have been shared with me since then, and am deeply sorry for offending anyone. I love America unshakably -- without hesitation -- and am extremely grateful for the opportunities and support our great nation has always provided me.

"Over the years I've witnessed and advised others how a thoughtless gesture or comment can hurt good, caring people. Regrettably, I've proven my own point. Please accept my sincere apologies."

-- Indra Nooyi

Thanks once more for taking the time to contact us here at PepsiCo. We truly value your very conscientious point of view, and promise to work just as diligently at regaining your trust and confidence.



Here is what I say to Pepsi: Fuck you, folks. When people on the right screw up and say ridiculous things, they are forced to resign. So it should be no less of a punishment for dimwits on the left, especially American-hating bitches like this one, to suffer the same fate.

E-mail Pepsi if they send this crap and tell them: Sorry, apology not accepted. Tell Ms. Nooyi that she must resign or the boycott of Pepsi grows exponentially.

Do it today - make the sick left in America feel the wrath of American public opinion that their disgusting comments are unwelcome in this country, especially in a time of war.

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