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Monday, May 30, 2005

Harry Reid: Lying, Cheating Scumbag

It is not hard to see why Really in the Minority Harry Reid (D-Gasbag) is REALLY in the Minority - he is one of the biggest liars in Washington, D.C., today.

Reid had nothing to do with the recent "compromise" which ended the goal of Republicans to invoke the constitutional rule change to end judicial filibusters by Downies. Reid then promised Majority Leader Bill Frist that he would get Downies to vote for cloture so there could be a vote on John Bolton for US Ambassador to the UN - then lied and not only didn't get the votes for it but voted against cloture himself. So now Reid is working behind the scenes to bring filibusters against more of President Bush's judicial nominees - and he is getting the signers of the "compromise" to help him with his devious plans:

Judicial Nominees Compromise Was Hard-Won

WASHINGTON - The signatures of 14 Senate centrists, seven from each party, spilled across the last page of a hard-won compromise on President Bush's judicial nominees. But whatever elation the negotiators felt, the Senate's Democratic leader did not share it.

In the privacy of his Capitol office last Monday night, Sen. Harry Reid, D-Nev., asked for commitments from six Democrats fresh from the talks. Would they pledge to support filibusters against Brett Kavanaugh and William Haynes, two nominees not specifically covered by the pact with Republicans?

Some of the Democrats agreed. At least one, Sen. Ben Nelson of Nebraska, declined.

Details of Reid's attempt to kill the two nominations within minutes of the agreement, as well as other events during this tumultuous time, were obtained by The Associated Press in interviews with senators and aides in both parties. They spoke on condition of anonymity, citing confidentiality pledges.

So now Reid is doing just what his party promised NOT to do - block judicial nominees.

Senator Frist needs to corral Reid and tell him the following: There was a deal, you moron. If I bring these nominees up, and your ridiculous party breaks the deal and invokes a filibuster, then the Republicans break the deal and we bring up the constitutional option.

Have a good time, Loser Harry.

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