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Sunday, May 01, 2005

DummiesUnderground: Why Commie Scumbag Hugo Chavez is Our Hero

Earlier this week, during a visit to his good scumbag friends in Cuba, World Jerkoff and Socialist Loser Hugo Chavez, currently the "President" of Venezuela, said that Americans were "oppressed" by their government (perhaps he didn't ask any Cubans for their thoughts on their current leadership) and that "he would not visit the US" until the freedom of Americans was restored. Well, who asked him to come here? Let him stay in the shithole he currently runs!

Well, the mental deficients at DummiesUnderground, one of the sites on the Internet that people looking for a good view of current American leftist thought (lint and belly button hair) should always check out if they want to be frightened by mental sickness AND get a laugh at the same time, are just fawning over Chavez, and - MY GOD! Say it isn't so! - actually agree with Boss Hugo that Americans are oppressed under the Bush administration. Just a few of the most hilarious comments:

Venezulean leader: U.S. citizens oppressed

  • Col. Chavez, Sir, Impresses Me Ever More Favorably...

  • Chavez is standing up to bushcrap and the CIA

  • But I despise Bush, AND like Chavez A LOT for being a democratically-elected leader of a little country, AND because he makes A LOT of sense when he speaks. Actually, makes more sense in a single press conference than chimp has made during his ENTIRE time in elected office.

  • I have great respect of human rights, and I would be happy to shake mr. Castro's hand.

  • Hell, WE'RE less free than Venezuela in many respects, and yet that arrogant, lying, murderous waste of DNA sonofabitch b*s* still babbles nonsense about an "axis of evil", and we're supposed to expect CHAVEZ to "shut up"?

  • I have a problem with authoritarian demagogues. Fidel Castro, George W. Bush, Adolph Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Benito Mussolini, Korean Kim's, Tom DeLay, Bill Frist, Richard Nixon.

I can't paste any of this anymore. I have never read such amazing socialist and leftist drivel.

As I keep warning, the modern Downtrodden Party is composed of millions of these DNA-less cretins. About 75% of their current leadership and voting rolls are made up of these subhumans. And because of their hatred for America, their hatred of everyone who is not one of them, they and their silly party should not be allowed anywhere near leadership in this country for the foreseeable future, and even a lifetime ban is too lenient as far as I am concerned.

These whackjobs give me the willies. Yikes.

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