Saturday, May 14, 2005
If you want to know where the mainstream of modern Downie thought truly is, check out DemocraticUnderground, one of, without a doubt, the looniest sites in the history of the internet. If it is ridiculous, if it is far out there, if it is beyond the pale of impossible, the dummies at DU will find it to be truthful - and, according to them, George W. Bush is to blame for everything from watered-down pea soup in some cafeteria somewhere to Michael Jackson being on trial and everything in between.
So, of course it not ridiculous for the DUmmies Galore to find that "Al Qeada" (the DUmmies can't spell, either) is a "fictitious organization."
Poll question: What do you believe Al Qeada is?
Heard that, victims of 9/11? The American Left believes that you were killed by fictitious beings. Sort of makes you wonder who did all that destruction on that date: aliens?