Wednesday, May 11, 2005
Three cheers for Pastor Daniel Scot, an Australian minister who called Muslims for what they are: dangerous radicals intent on taking over wherever they are. And what is Father Scot's reward for calling attention to this? He is told to either apologize for face prison. And you thought this kind of hilarity only happens in Muslim countries!
No Apology from Pastor in Muslim Vilification Case
One of two Australian pastors found guilty of vilifying Muslims in December of 2004 says he will rather go to jail than apologize.
At a Christian seminar in March 2002, Pastor Daniel Scot said that Muslims were aiming to take over the country and encouraging domestic violence. He also called Islam an inherently violent religion, according to the Herald Sun.
The judge in the case has yet to assign a date to hand out a penalty, which could include a mandatory speech of apology or a fine. The judge stated that the pastors' comments demeaned Muslims.
Pastor Scot: Tell the judge to drop dead when you stand in front of him. Then tell him that free speech dies when fascists like this judge make it illegal to speak your mind.
This kind of shit happened in Stalin's Russia. God help us all if it is allowed to continue now, in the 21st century.