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Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Charles Rangel: Indecent Scumbag in Castro's Back Pocket

Charles Rangel, the black liberal lowlife crook from New York who is as delusionally liberal as he is stupid, actually voted against a House resolution which supported the work of human rights activists in Cuba. Chuckie's problem with this? Get ready for this one: He said (apparently with a straight face) that the resolution's supporters "refuse to give the [Castro] government the respect that it deserves" and added, "I don't think it helps to be supporting insurgents overthrowing the government." Got that? The thug Fidelito deserves some sort of respect! Kiss his hairy Cuban ass before he shoots you!

Notice how liberals increasingly sound like Stalin more and more each passing day?

Anger Simmers Among Cubans Over N.Y. Pols

Puzzling and enraging some of New York City's Cuban-Americans, the state's congressional delegation has led the opposition to a House resolution expressing American solidarity with Cuba's democratic activists, on the eve of what is being called a historic gathering on the Communist-ruled island.

"They want human rights for everybody on earth, except for Cuba," a Manhattan resident, Maria Restoy, said of the congressmen who voted against the resolution.

"They don't care that my people are suffering in Cuba," she said.

Friday marks the beginning of the General Meeting of the Assembly to Promote Civil Society in Cuba, a convention of 365 groups in Havana to discuss, among other issues, fostering democratic reform on the island, reducing poverty, securing labor rights, and protecting the environment.

One of the meeting's organizers, the dissident Martha Beatriz Roque Cabello, has been jailed by the Castro regime for pro-democracy activism in the past. The last similar attempt to convene a major gathering in Cuba - a planned meeting of a human rights organization, the Concilio Cubano, in February 1996 - failed, resulting in a crackdown by the government that extended over several months.

Observers and the organizers of this week's event said in recent days that the assembly, owing to its size and visibility, poses a threat to participants' safety. Reports from Havana indicate that the Castro regime has already begun arresting activists in anticipation of the gathering. Also, according to Cuban exiles in Miami, the organizers' home telephone service has been cut sporadically in recent weeks.

So now we have a good reason why Rangel and his fellow liberalthugs in the US Congress voted against the war in Iraq and continue to criticize it: they have a love of dictatorship, including backing the black terrorist Nelson Mandela.

Liberals and terrorists and Marxist whackjobs are coming together in a group. This is a dangerous development.

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