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Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Tom DeLay? Nah...Let's Check on Nancy Pelosi's Ethics

The MSM in America is amazing - when it finds "ethics violations" of a Republican, it goes for the kill to end the person's career. If they hear about ethics violations of a Downie, they either become tone deaf or concentrate on more important matters - like bus schedules out of Des Moines, Iowa, in February.

So when the story about Nancy Pelosi (D-Deer Caught in Headlights) and her problems with her own ethics came about, what did the media concentrate on? Calling attention to Tom DeLay of Texas.

FEC Fines Pelosi Committees as Result ot NLPC Complaint; Hypocrisy of “Reformer” Exposed

The Federal Election Commission (FEC) has fined two leadership PACs associated with House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) in response to a Complaint filed by the National Legal and Policy Center (NLPC) on October 25, 2002. The FEC also has fined three campaigns that failed to return excessive contributions from Pelosi’s PACs within 60 days, as required by law.

Under conciliation agreements reached with the FEC, Pelosi’s two committees — PAC to the Future and Team Majority — will pay $21,000. Julie Thomas for Congress Campaign Committee (D–IA) and Van Hollen for Congress (D–MD) will each pay $2,500, and Joe Turnham for Congress (D–AL) will pay $2,000. The three campaigns also agreed to disgorge $5,000 each to the U.S. Treasury.

In its Complaint, NLPC alleged that Pelosi violated federal election law by operating two “leadership” political action committees (PACs) in order to circumvent contribution limits. Members of the Democrat and Republican leaderships in the House and Senate may legally have one so-called leadership PAC in addition to their own campaign committee. The purpose of leadership PACs is to make contributions to the campaigns of other Congressional candidates.

NLPC’s Complaint cited a second circumvention of the law, that of the limits on amounts donors may give to PACs. Team Majority, the newer PAC, reported sixteen contributions of $5,000 each from donors who also gave the maximum to Pelosi’s other PAC. Five of the donors gave to both PACs on the same day.

The MSM's reaction to this story? More investigations of Tom DeLay. So typical.

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