Wednesday, April 06, 2005
Yup, you heard it here a vote held somewhere, deceased and stone cold deadnik North Korean leader Kim Il-Sung, father of current NK nutjob Kim Jong-Il, who rated as one of the wackiest world dictators next to Muammar el-Qadaffi or Fidel Castro or even his Chia pet lookalike son, was chosen as the greatest world leader ever. That's right - not Ronald Reagan, not Franklin Delano Whitebread, not anyone else, but Kim Il-Sung! And the announcement is, so whacked out:
Kim Il Sung Praised as Greatest Leader
Pyongyang, April 4 (KCNA) -- President Kim Il Sung is the greatest leader recognized by the revolutionary people of the world, said Fayez Ismail, general secretary of the Socialist Unionist Party of Syria, on March 29 in a statement released on the occasion of the Day of the Sun. He said that Kim Il Sung achieved the historic cause of liberating the country and turned the DPRK into a modern socialist powerful country and actively supported the progressive people of the world in their anti-imperialist revolutionary cause.
Noting that thanks to leader Kim Jong Il who has inherited the idea and virtue of the President, the revolutionary cause of Juche has made continued victories despite the upheavals of the present complicated international situation, the general secretary expressed firm conviction that the friendly Korean people would achieve final victory as they hold the great leader in high esteem and are guided by his great idea.
What the announcement didn't say was that Kim should be praised for turning North Korea into an international shithole that happens to have nuclear weapons while its people eat dirt and grass to stay alive. And his son continues the good progressive work of his father. Now that is socialist progress!