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Saturday, April 30, 2005

The Religion of Hate and ViolenceTM Round-Up: Checking Out More Violence From the World of Islam

No matter what anyone says, Islam is a dangerous cult, it is run by lunatics and thieves who hate everyone who is not Muslim, and they preach terrorism and can only be defeated with violence.

So, today, Joobo brings you some news from this cult of death and savagery: two female Islamic terrorists, and a Muslim in Britain tries to impose his sickening religion on schoolchildren:

Two Women Open Fire on Cairo Tourist Bus

CAIRO (Reuters) - Two veiled women opened fire on a tourist bus in southern Cairo on Saturday but missed, Cairo Security Director Nabil el-Azabi said.

Security officers at the scene said one of the attackers then shot dead the other, before shooting and wounding herself.

Azabi said one of the women could have been the wife of a man on the run and wanted in connection with an April 7 attack on tourists in Cairo.

It is so wonderful hearing that ugly veiled women who are oppressed by Islamicterror are now becoming as fanatic and sick as the males in the cult.

But, of course Muslims want to make sure everyone either becomes a Muslim or is shunned and then killed. They do this piece by piece in Western society, all done in the name of "tolerance" and "inclusion."

Father wants Islamic food served in school

A SCHOOL has agreed to review its meals policy after a parent requested religious food for his son.

Ahmad Ghazoini, of Second Avenue, Acton, believes Berrymede Infant and Nursery School in Park Road North, Acton, should provide the option of halal meals for Muslim pupils as he believes 70 per cent of the school's population belong to the Islamic faith.

Mr Ghazoini, who has a five-year-old son at the school, told the Times: "Muslims can only eat food and drink which is halal.This means only meat and poultry that has been slaughtered according to the Islamic methodology.

For anyone in the know, "halal" is a phony, made-up "standard" of food used by Muslims so they can feel equal to Jews, who eat "kosher" food. Somehow, Muslims need to invent crap like this to feel like their religion is not a cult, and then they believe it has some meaning. It really doesn't.

As long as civilized societies allow Muslim bullcrap like this in our second story to go unchallenged, more incidents like the one in our first story will continue to happen.

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