Thursday, April 07, 2005
Imagine if they took a poll and no one noticed. The Washington Times reports the findings of a CNN/USA Today/Gallup poll showing more Americans than ever before now oppose any form of gay marriage - a number growing steadily. So, you would ask the first question: where is this story being posted since The Washington Times is reporting the story? Here is the story, and, following, the cover-up by the MSM:
More Americans oppose gay 'marriage,' poll finds
Public opposition to "marriages" between homosexuals is at an all-time high, according to a poll released yesterday.
When asked whether they thought same-sex "marriages" should be recognized by the law as valid and come with the same rights as traditional marriages, 68 percent of the respondents in the CNN/USA Today/Gallup poll said they should not.
Twenty-eight percent said same-sex "marriages" should be valid and 4 percent had no opinion. The survey of 443 adults was conducted March 18 to 20.
Now, I went to the USA Today website and the CNN website to get more information on this poll. Unfortunately, CNN has chosen to ignore the findings of a poll they have commissioned. So, I went to USA Today...surely they would have a note, right? Well, they have no news on this, either.
So, one could ask, perhaps the poll is so new that it hasn't been posted yet, right? Again, it was conducted from March 18-20. Three weeks in the news business is forever.
So, we can conclude three things from this story: 1) Gay marriage is becoming more unpopular amongst the American people; 2) CNN and USA Today conducted a poll and didn't like the findings so are ignoring it; and 3) if a poll comes out showing gay marriage becoming more popular be expected to see it posted on these sites 15 seconds after the results are in.
The liberal media in America are shameless. Simply shameless.