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Friday, April 15, 2005

New Study Says Lethal Injection is Inhumane…so, how About Starving Someone to Death?

A new study (from England, mind you) finds that, despite all the evidence to the contrary, injecting someone with chemicals during an execution actually puts them to death. NO SHIT! you yell. Of course, these dunderheads also find that killing someone in such a manner is "inhumane." Their findings:

U.S. Executions by Lethal Injection May Not Be Humane

THURSDAY, April 14 (HealthDay News) -- Prisoner executions by lethal injection in the United States may not be painless or humane, and may not even meet veterinary standards for putting down animals.

So claims a research letter in this week's issue of The Lancet.

The authors concluded that prisoners executed by lethal injection may have experienced awareness and unnecessary suffering as they died because they weren't properly sedated. Anesthesia during lethal injection is essential to minimize the prisoner's suffering.

Lethal injection involves sequential administration of sodium thiopental for anesthesia, pancuronium bromide to induce paralysis, and then potassium chloride to stop the heart and cause death. If anesthesia wasn't used, the condemned prisoner would suffocate and experience excruciating pain without being able to move.

This is very, very interesting. So, since this form of capital punishment is “inhumane,” perhaps we can turn to something that is humane:

Experts Say Ending Feeding Can Lead to a Gentle Death

To many people, death by removing a feeding tube brings to mind the agony of starvation. But medical experts say that the process of dying that begins when food and fluids cease is relatively straightforward, and can cause little discomfort.

"From the data that is available, it is not a horrific thing at all," said Dr. Linda Emanuel, the founder of the Education for Physicians in End-of-Life Care Project at Northwestern University.

In fact, declining food and water is a common way that terminally ill patients end their lives, because it is less painful than violent suicide and requires no help from doctors.

So, here is my solution to appease those who oppose capital punishment, and at the same time making sure that those sentenced to death do not suffer: we should withhold all food and water from them until they die. I call it the “Bobby Sands Solution,” named after the Irish terrorist who starved himself to death in 1981 to protest being jailed by the British authorities. Since liberals find that starving Terri Schiavo to death is no big deal, why should they object when murderers on death row get the same treatment?

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