Saturday, April 30, 2005
If you are a liberal, more than likely you are a loser. Yes, I am sorry to have to say that so bluntly, but when you read the following from your fellow liberals, either you will agree - as I figure you will - or you will cringe. If you do the latter, you are not hopeless - there is still a chance for a loser like yourself.
It's time for a new brand of journalism
Let the market decide. If the right-wing crackpots -- sorry, ''people of faith" -- can spend megabucks to promote knuckle-dragging judges, they can surely finance some creationist teaching in local schools.
How much love from losers! But if you think Mr. Alex Beam of the Boston Globe is a complete liberalloser, then surely you will find a large rotting hole in hell for the originator of these wonderful comments, on the looney Downiesunderground site:
you hear that sound?
you hear that sound?
thats the sound of the world's smallest violin playing one for the Zell "The Psycho from Hell" Miller...
I wouldn't give two shits for that feckless traitor to float on if he were drowning.
The next time someone anywhere asks, "Why can't the Downies win an election?" let them in on these two comments. They speak volumes about a party whose mainstream is composed of fucking lunatics.