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Monday, April 11, 2005

John Kerry: Turning into a Whiny, Slithering Scumbag

Of course, after the hilarious campaign for President that John Kerry (D-Delusionalland) ran in 2004, as well as his years of saying nothing, doing nothing, and standing for the same, he already can be counted as a whiny, slithering scumbag. But it is what he is saying after the dust has settled - that he peddled arms to the Khmer Rouge, etc. - that shows just what a scumbag he truly is. Now he comes forwards with this ridiculous story: that Republicans intimidated blacks not to vote, or to vote on the wrong date, in the 2004 election. Downies have been circulating these stories for years, with no evidence whatsoever. Of course, lack of evidence (and brains) never held liberals back from making scurrilous charges in the past; why should it now?

Kerry Alleges Intimidation of Voters in 2004

BOSTON, April 10 -- Many would-be voters in last year's presidential election were denied access to the polls through trickery and intimidation, former Democratic presidential candidate John F. Kerry told the Massachusetts League of Women Voters on Sunday.

Kerry cited examples of how people were duped into not voting. "Leaflets are handed out saying Democrats vote on Wednesday, Republicans vote on Tuesday. People are told in telephone calls that if you've ever had a parking ticket, you're not allowed to vote," he said.

What John Kerry did not realize - or obviously did not care to check up on - was that this story is a fraud which appeared in the comedic online magazine The Onion:

Republicans Urge Minorities to Get Out and Vote on Nov. 3

Read it and have a laugh. Of course, far be it for any dimwitted reporter to do two things: ask Kerry, "What proof do you have of your allegation?" and "Are you a fucking moron?"

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