Monday, April 11, 2005
The Europeons have not ceased since September 11, 2001, to find ways to criticize the United States for cracking down on Islamic terrorism around the world. Arrest Muslim fanatics? Europeons yelp. Send Islamofascists to Guantanamo Bay where they are treated with the utmost respect? The Europeons scream torture. Invade Iraq to get one of the world's worst terrorists, Saddam Hussein? The Europeons march and denounce President Bush.
So it should come as no surprise that Europeon courts are acquitting Muslim terrorists who are planning attacks on Europeon targets - because they haven't done anything wrong yet:
Two Failed Terrorism Trials Raise Worry in Europe
BERLIN (Reuters) - Failed terrorism prosecutions in Germany and the Netherlands this week have highlighted Europe's patchy record in securing convictions and prompted some to ask if laws need to be tightened.
Ihsan Garnaoui, a 34-year-old Tunisian, was acquitted in Berlin Wednesday of trying to form a terrorist group, even though judges considered it proven that he had planned to carry out at least one bomb attack in Germany at the start of the Iraq war in March 2003.
The same day, Dutch teen-ager Samir Azzouz was cleared of planning attacks on Amsterdam's Schiphol airport, a nuclear reactor and government offices.
He had been found in possession of machinegun cartridges, mock explosive devices, electrical circuitry, maps and sketches of prominent buildings and chemicals prosecutors said could be bomb ingredients.
Legal experts and security analysts said such cases raise a difficult question: in the absence of an actual attack, how close must a suspect be to detonating a bomb before prosecutors can demonstrate guilt?
When an Islamic attack against Europe comes - and be sure that it will, sooner rather than later - I personally hope someone stands up and says, "You got what you deserved - for being so damn ignorant to the threat that was so obvious, yet one you wished to ignore."