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Saturday, April 30, 2005

Danny Inouye: National Imbecile Gets Wonked by Don Rumsfeld

A few months ago, we posted a little ditty showing how Rep. Loretta Sanchez, Downie dumbshit of California, made a complete ass of herself when she tried to challenge Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld on a matter of numbers. Sanchez, for those of you who missed it, tried to out-do Rumsfeld, and when he corrected her she sat there like a bump on a log.

Well, it has happened again, once again with Rumsfeld. This time, however, the moron is Senator Daniel Inouye, Downie idjit from Hawaii. Danny Boy served in World War II, and while he should be commended for his service to country (he lost an arm in combat), he is obviously a mental letch when it comes to reality and he really does need to retire.

Check out how Rumsfeld sliced him a new asshole with this cutting remark:

Rumsfeld: 'The last thing we need is a draft'


Sen. Daniel Inouye, the Democrat from Hawaii, said, "For the first time in many years the Army and Marine Corps are not meeting their recruiting targets. There are some who are already discussing the draft."

Rumsfeld leaned closer to the microphone and said, "I think the only people who could conceivably be talking about a draft are people who are speaking from pinnacles of near-perfect ignorance."

The question here is: Why do Downies continue to whisper the word "draft"? After all, they tried it last year, spreading word around campuses that "if Bush is re-elected, we will definitely have a draft." No matter how many times President Bush said "we will not have a draft," liberalidiots kept up the campaign, even starting websites to let people know that the draft was going to happen as soon as Bush started his second term. Well, Bush won, and the only people who keep mentioning the word "draft" are leftwingimbeciles.

Rumsfeld showed Inouye that the Hawaiian is mentally slow. But that problem appears to affect everyone on the left.

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