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Thursday, April 07, 2005

Criminal Thief Kofi Annan Hires Clinton Impeachment Lawyer is reporting that Kofi Annan, Chief Crook of the Disunited Nations, has hired Clinton impeachment scumbag Greg Craig as his attorney in case he is indicted regarding his thievery in the Oil-for-Food scandal.

The liberals like to circulate the same pieces of shit, eh?

Annan Retains Noted Criminal Attorney

NewsMax has learned that U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan has privately retained the services of celebrated Washington criminal defense attorney Greg Craig. The Annan move was first disclosed in a filing with the Paul Volcker panel released last month. The fomer Fed chairman currently heads an "independent" investigation into the activities of the scandal plagued U.N.-Iraq Oil-for-Food Program.

Craig is perhaps best known for his defense of Bill Clinton during his Senate impeachment trial in 1999.

Craig also defended the Communist father of Elian Gonzalez, the little Cuban boy forced back into slavery by Hermaphroditic Attorney General Janet Reno.

How these people sleep at night is beyond me.

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