Tuesday, April 05, 2005
Thanks to AlGore and Google, AlGore TV will soon be coming to a TV near you...and man will it be laughable.
Gore TV Network to Launch in August, Google Tie-In
Former U.S. Vice President Al Gore on Monday unveiled his new television network, "Current," which aims to attract younger viewers with short videos and a tie-in with the popular Google Inc. search engine.
Your good friend Joobo has in fact gotten a secret plan of the programming to be on GoreTV...and here is just a sample:
- 5 AM: "Up and At 'Em With Al!" - A heavy 30 minute show of calisthenics and political talk from former Vice President Al Gore.
- 5:30 AM: "The Friggin' Republicans Stole the Election!" - The first of a 29 part special report on how the 2000 election was stolen from former Vice President Al Gore.
- 6 AM: "George Bush is the Worst President Ever!" - A lively 1 hour program featuring call-ins and discussions on why George W. Bush is the worst American President in history. Former Vice President Al Gore will be your host.
- 7 AM: "The Iraq War: Illegitimate or War Crimes?" - A frank discussion on why the Iraq War is illegal. Guests include former Attorney General Ramsay Clark and Saddam Hussein's lawyer. Former Vice President Al Gore moderates.
- 8 AM: "The Friggin' Republicans Stole the Election!" - Part 2 on why Al Gore had the 2000 election stolen by the evil Republicans.
- 9 PM: Al Gore Live!" - A lively 1 hour talk show that focuses on important subjects, such as how Republicans are ruining the country, why Fidel Castro is really a good man down deep, and what can be done to save Social Security from being privatized. Former Vice President Al Gore hosts this program, which features calls from viewers and responses from key liberal lawmakers.