Friday, April 22, 2005
Canadian PM Paul Martin once had a chance to be, well, what people call "a mensch" - someone who is a man, a leader, someone to respect. Following the last jerkoff who ran the so-called country of Canada, Martin appeared to be a fresh face who would not be an American hater or a disgusting liberal. He turned out to be both.
So, as his incredibly stoopid government of liberals crashes and burns due to a payoff scandal, Martin is now begging the opposition for more time...and how good it is to see a liberal beg:
Canadian PM Wants More Time, Opposition Says No
OTTAWA (Reuters) - Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin, battling to prevent the fall of his minority Liberal government over a cash-for-favors scandal, pleaded for more time in office on Friday, but the main opposition party said he could no longer hope to cling to power.
In a rare nationally televised address on Thursday evening, a contrite Martin apologized for the scandal and said he would call an election as soon as an inquiry into alleged kickbacks finished its work in December.
But the official opposition Conservative Party said the country could not be run by a tainted government.
How interesting! Martin is trying to buy time - and his opposition won't give it to him.
Let us hope our Canadian friends to the north tell Mr. Martin 1) that time's up for his ridiculous liberal government, and 2) we need some sanity up there anyway - which means it is time for Conservatives to run things.