Thursday, April 14, 2005
When US troops shot into the car of noted Italian Communist scumbag and liar Giuliana Sgrena, it was an accident - and not done on purpose, as this pro-Islamic terror liar has been claiming since the accident finds a joint US-Italian investigation formed after the shooting. Unfortunately, Sgrena appeared on CBS News' 60 Minutes Wednesday to lie some more - and CBS, home of Dan Blather, was all too thrilled to offer her a way to slander US troops some more without any proof whatsoever.
Report clears U.S. in friendly fire incident
BAGHDAD - The friendly fire shooting at a U.S. military checkpoint last month in Baghdad wounded Italian journalist Giuliana Sgrena and killed intelligence agent Nicola Calipari.
Now, NBC News has learned that a preliminary report from a joint U.S.-Italian investigation has cleared the American soldiers of any wrongdoing and provides new details into the shooting.
One can bet that this loudmouth leftist Sgrena will continue with her rants about plots and conspiracies against her. I wish her Islamic friends would kidnap her again.