Monday, April 04, 2005
Perhaps one of the worst western Governors in Janet Napolitano, a Downie who has raised taxes and run roughshod over her state in ways that are too numerous to document. But now she has crossed the line: she has vetoed a measure which would make voters show identification when voting. And why, you ask, would Napolitano do this? Because, as I have said it before my fair readers, Downies would be overwhelmed and not win any more elections if fraud were eliminated from American voting. In short, Napolitano wants to keep her and her silly party's chances of actually running anything alive.
Governor vetoes bill requiring all voters to show identification
PHOENIX - Gov. Janet Napolitano vetoed legislation Friday to bar some people who show up at the polls without identification from voting.
Napolitano said the measure, Senate Bill 1118, is illegal because it violates the federal Help America Vote Act. She said that "could result in properly registered Arizona citizens being denied the right to vote."
Republican Secretary of State Jan Brewer said the Democratic governor is wrong.
She said nothing in federal law requires that anyone who shows up at a poll without identification be given a ballot.
Brewer also accused Napolitano of ignoring the wishes of the more than 1 million Arizonans who voted in November for Proposition 200. Among the provisions of that initiative is a requirement for identification before casting a ballot.
Republicans need to challenge this deluded woman, and in 2006, when she is up for re-election, find a candidate who stands for America, Americans, and for fraud-free elections and remove her from office.