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Monday, April 04, 2005

62 Leading American Officials Come Out for Bolton

When President Bush named John Bolton, a critic of the Disunited Nations, as the US Ambassador to that corrupt, thieving, anti-American, anti-Semitic august body, the liberals here in America and around the world threw a hissy fit. They asked, how could Bush name someone like Bolton to this position? Couldn't he name someone the liberals liked better?

Then the liberals decided to get 60 morons to sign a letter to the US Senate asking that Bolton be denied confirmation. This made news in the MSM, because that proved to dumb liberals that they had some power in Washington when in fact they have none. So of course the media basically ignored it when 66 former government officials signed a letter supporting Bolton's nomination.

Former U.S. Officials Show Support for U.N. Nominee

Former defense secretary Caspar W. Weinberger, ex-CIA director R. James Woolsey and 64 other retired arms control specialists and diplomats are lined up in support of John R. Bolton, whose nomination to be U.S. ambassador to the United Nations has stirred controversy.

In a letter being delivered today to Sen. Richard G. Lugar (R-Ind.), chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, other committee members and congressional leaders, they said the attack on Bolton is really an attack on President Bush's policies.

Bolton will be confirmed, unless the Downies in the Senate do something dumb like filibuster the nomination. Of course, the Downies have never failed to do dumb things in the past, so I am never surprised of anything they try to do.

However, Joobo's prediction is that Bolton will be confirmed, and one more liberal target of their hatred and wrath will get past them.

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