Wednesday, April 13, 2005
The 11th Circuit Court of Appeals finally did something right: they upheld a Florida law denying felons the right to vote for their lifetimes. Downtrodden Party regulars and officials were probably praying for the reversal of the law, because that would mean tens of thousands of votes for their side, just like this upstanding citizen:
Federal Appeals Court Upholds Florida Ban on Ex-Felons Voting
MIAMI (AP) - A federal appeals court in Atlanta on Tuesday upheld Florida's 160-year-old law enforcing a lifetime ban on voting rights for convicted felons.
Ex-felons sued in 2000 to get their voting rights restored when their sentences are finished, instead of having to apply through a complex system for civil rights restoration. Many never apply or don't complete the process.
As Downies should say: Darn, darn, darn, darn.