Saturday, March 19, 2005
I warned Senator "Dull Harry" Reid, Leader of the Really in the Minority Party, the Downtroddens, in the US Senate, that his party's "we intend to block all Senate business" strategy was bound to fail. After all, it failed for Newt Gingrich and the GOP in 1998 (they lost seats in an off-year, 6th presidential year election) - and it shows how dumb Downies are that they would deign to follow a losing strategy.
Nonetheless, never let it be said that Downies do the smart thing.
Reid strategy called 'desperation'
Republican officials privately say they hope Democrats pursue their planned strategy of shutting down the Senate over judicial filibusters, comparing it to the politically disastrous government shutdown by House Republicans almost 10 years ago.
Republicans have muted their official responses to this week's threat by Minority Leader Harry Reid to halt almost all Senate business if Republicans force their way around the filibusters against President Bush's judicial nominees.
But behind the scenes, party officials were giddy.
"The fact that they refuse to acknowledge the results of the last election and block President Bush's agenda shows absolute desperation on their part," said Brian Nick, spokesman for the National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC). "Liberal special-interest groups spent millions to defeat President Bush, and they lost. Now they're only left with these silly tactics."
Republicans also eagerly were waving around a new poll released yesterday showing that 81 percent of registered voters think "well-qualified judicial nominees" deserve an up-or-down vote on the floor of the Senate.
"Judicial nomination battles are winning issues for Republicans," said Republican pollster Whit Ayers, who conducted the poll of 800 voters for the Judicial Confirmation Network.
I can only hope and pray that Dull Harry and His Band of 43 Misfits in the US Senate carry out their threat and shut the government down. I believe that his party will be punished in 2006 as the GOP was in 1998. And Downies can least afford that kind of slap.